How to cleanse your energy

How to cleanse your energy

Feeling bad energy around you or just want a reset?

Cleansing your space and your own energy is a great way to do this... If you have stagnant or bad energy around you then not only is this bad for you, but it will also be preventing you from manifesting new and positive things into your life!

Just as we regularly clean our bodies, homes, and even the inside of our bags or cars, we should also focus on clearing the energy around us. Maintaining both our physical surroundings and the energy within them is essential for our well-being, and there are many straightforward ways to do this that positively impact every aspect of our lives. Here’s how to eliminate negative energy and remove bad vibes.

Begin with smudging
Cleanse the energy of your home, office, or any space where you spend time using Palo Santo or a Sage Bundle. Move slowly and intentionally, carrying the wood or bundle over a special dish or shell as you walk through each area, allowing the smoke to purify the space.

Take a bath
Indulge in a bath with hot water and your favourite bath salts to wash away stress and toxins. The salts will help remove lactic acid from tense areas in your body, easing sore muscles. As you relax in the tub, let your worries drift away and set your intentions for what comes after. If you can only take a shower, that works too. Visualise the worry, negativity, or any bad energy washing off of you and going down the drain.

Visualise light
Sit quietly and picture a bubble of golden light surrounding you. Imagine the light rising from the ground, entering your toes, and gradually moving up your body. Fill yourself with this light and feel the tension lift from each part of your body as the light flows through you.

Use essential oils
While science hasn't fully unraveled the mysteries of smell, it acknowledges its significance. Scents are deeply connected to our memories and therefore our moods, so choose some fresh bright scents to rejuvenate a space, or you can go for calming scents if the energy you feel around you is too intense. This can be in the form of a candle or essential oil extracts. 

Take a walk in sunlight
Sunlight vibrates at different frequencies depending on its colour. As it travels through space and even penetrates some objects, the sun’s vibrations have a direct impact on us. Along with providing your daily dose of vitamin D, soaking up the sun’s warmth can help get rid of negative energy, regulate brain wave activity, and boost the positive energy in your aura.

Get fresh air flowing
Open up all your windows and get fresh air flowing throughout your whole house to get rid of any negative or stagnant energy.

Cleansing your and your space's energy is a great way to reset yourself out of a funk, clear any bad vibes and get ready to welcome in and manifest new exciting things! 

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