Tanya's best manifestation secrets

Tanya's best manifestation secrets

Is manifestation not working for you? Or would you just like to learn more?

There's so many different manifestation techniques and variations - but how can we make sure our manifestations come true? Here are four of Tanya's favourites.

1. Make your vision clear!

Having clear, precise goals is so key to manifesting! This clarity acts as a beacon for your thoughts and energy, directing them toward your desired outcomes with precision. Make it that they're so clear in your head that you can literally see them!

2. You have to believe it...

If you don't really believe in those goals and dreams - they're not going to happen! You have to know that they are coming.

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3. Face the fear

Having fear is the opposite of hope - so when you feel the fear arise - will I find a partner, will I be happy, will I succeed, then the answer to all of these is 'yes, I know that I will'.

4. Trust the universe!

This is the most important step of any manifestations! You have to know that the universe has your back and will give you what your path has decided, as long as you are open to it....

The most important tip I can give you with manifesting - is just to start! We all get so stuck in our own heads and so uncertain of what we can achieve. Getting started is the main part of it, and as we manifest we learn what makes things happen for us, and how we can make our dreams come true. Love, Tanya x 

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